Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

County Clerk

Rachel Lamb Geeslin

Physical and Mailing Address /DIRECCIÓN

102 N Rice Street

Suite 107

Hamilton, Texas 76531

Phone/teléfono: 254-386-1203

Fax: 254-386-8727  

Hours of Operations / Horas de servicio: 

Monday- Friday, 8:00 am -4:30 pm. 

Lunes -Viernes, 8:00 am -4:30 pm. 


Hamilton County Clerk’s Office Staff/ Personal de la oficina

Rachel Geeslin                      County Clerk                         (254)-386-1204    countyclerk@hamiltoncountytx.org

Alejandra Moncada              Chief Deputy Clerk              (254)-386-1205    ccdeputy2@hamiltoncountytx.org

Kristen Reid                          Deputy Clerk                         (254)-386-1202    ccdeputy3@hamiltoncountytx.org


The County Clerk's office cannot give legal advice.  If you need legal advice please speak with an attorney prior to visiting our office.  We do not provide legal forms and cannot give instructions on how to fill out legal documents as that would be giving legal advice. 
If you are needing to file a document in this office the document needs to be already prepared, signed and notarized when you get here.  We are not notaries. We will only accept original documents or certified copies of original documents.  We cannot accept photocopies.  You can also mail your original documents to us along with your check and a self addressed return envelope.  Your documents will be returned to you after they are recorded. The County Clerk's Office does not do searches for the public. 
Thank you!


In case of inclement weather, the Office of the Hamilton County Clerk will follow the Hamilton Independent School District regarding closings or late openings.


 County Clerk Duties

The Hamilton County Clerk’s office has a wide range of responsibilities including the filing and preservation of real property records, and the management of civil, probate, guardianship, and misdemeanor court documents.

This office also serves as the Vital Statistics Registrar and Clerk of the Court for County Court, County Court, and Commissioner’s Court.

The Clerk’s Recording Department is responsible for receiving and maintaining a vast archive of documents that includes real property transactions, business names, brands, birth certificates, death certificates and marriage licenses.

  • Hamilton County is not a court at law; therefore, probates must be attorney-represented. 


    1. E-File the application.

    2. TRCP Rule 21(f)(12) requires that any original Will must be physically filed in the Clerk’s office within three business days of electronically filing the application. Additionally, if you are probating a copy of a Will, the copy must be physically filed in the Clerk’s office with three business days of filing the application.


    3. To request a hearing date please contact the administrative assistant at 254-386-1290 or email cjadmin@hamiltoncountytx.org. 


    4. Any paper work must be submitted via E-file. 



    REVISED 1/1/2024





    ORIGINAL PROBATE / Transfer 

    Local Consolidated Probate/Guardianship Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §135.102(a)(l)


    State Consolidated Probate/Guardianship Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §133.15l(a)(l)


    Total Filing Fee with Posted Citation







    Issuance of each citation

    Local Government Code §l l 8.052(3)(A)


    Sheriffs Fee -- Each Posted Citation

    Local Government Code §118.131


    Sheriffs Fee -- Each Personal or Publication Service

    Local Government Code §118.131


    County Judge's Fee -- Any Order Signed

    Local Government Code §118.101




    County Clerk Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §l l 8.052(2)(A)(v)


    County Clerk -- Issuance of Citation

    Local Government Code §l 18.052(3)(A)


    County Judge's Fee -- Order Signed

    Local Government Code §118.101


    Sheriff Fee -- Posting of Citation

    Local Government Code §118.131







    County Clerk Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §l 18.052(2)(A)(i)


    County Judge's Fee -- Any Order Signed

    Local Government Code §118.101







    Certified Copies of Probate Proceedings



    Copy Fee (Per Page or Part of a Page)

    Local Government Code §l 18.052(3)(B)


    Certification Fee

    Local Government Code §l l 8.052(3)(B)





    Copy Fees



    Non-certified Copy Fee - Printed on Paper

    (Per Page or Part of Page)


    Local Government Code §l l 8.052(3)(C)(i)



    Non-certified Copy Fee - Paper Converted to Electronic Format (Per Page or Part of Page)


    Local Government Code §l l 8.052(3)(C)(ii)




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    March 2025
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    Day Start End Event - Description Action
    • Veteran's Day  Monday  November 11, 2024
      Thanksgiving  Thursday and Friday 

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      November 29, 2024

      Christmas  Tuesday and Wednesday 

      December 24, 2024

      December 25, 2024

      New Year's Day  Wednesday  January 1, 2025
      President's Day  Monday February 17, 2025
      Good Friday  Friday  April 18, 2025
      Memorial Day  Monday  May 26, 2025
      Independence Day  Friday  July 4, 2024
      Labor Day  Monday  September 1, 2025 


      In case of inclement weather, the Office of the Hamilton County Clerk will follow the

      Hamilton Independent School District regarding closings or late openings.

  • Applications 

    Hamilton County only accepts Original, wet signature documents. Please either mail in this application along with the appropriate fee or bring it into the Office for recording. 


    Birth and Death Certificates

    Hamilton County Birth and Certificate Application- BY Mail NOTARIZED and mailed to the County Clerk's Office with a photo copy of a valid ID. 

    Birth and Death Certificate Application in Person - Must be filled out and submitted IN PERSON at the County Clerk's Office with a valid ID.

    Birth Certificates (application must be completed)   $23 each

    Death Certificates (application must be completed)  $21 first page, $4 each additional

    BIRTH CERTIFICATES / Actas de nacimiento

    State of Texas Only

    Certificate/County Clerk Fee

    Local Government Code 118.015(a), TAC § 181.22, HSC



    Vital Statistics Fee

    HSC § 191.0045


    Vital Statistics Preservation Fee

    HSC § 191.0045






                        Actas de defunción


    Hamilton County Records Only

    Search/Certificate/County Clerk Fee

    Local Government Code 118.015(a), TAC § 181.22(b)(s), HSC



    Vital Statistics Preservation Fee

    HSC § 191.0045





    Each Additional Copy $4.00

    Order at the same time


    County Clerk Fee

    HSC § 191.0045



    HSC § 191.0045



    A long form birth certificate is the most comprehensive certified birth record. It is a copy of the original birth certificate. It will also show a history of corrections that have been made to the birth record. A long form birth certificate is often required to obtain:

    • U.S. Passport
    • Dual citizenship
    • Driver license

    A short form or certified abstract of the birth record will only show current information for the individual’s name, date of birth, place of birth, sex, and name of parent(s). This form will not show a history of corrections. A short form birth certificate can be used for:

    • School and/or sports registration
    • Employment requirements
    • Driver license


    Attention: The maximum number of Birth Certificates that can be ordered per person, per lifetime is TEN (10).


    Who can obtain a birth certificate? 

    ¿Quién puede obtener una acta nacimiento?

    The individual 

    El individuo

    An adult child 

    Un hijo adulto

    A parent (listed on the birth certificate)

    padre/madre (si está en la acta nacimiento)

    Spouse  Esposo/esposa 
    A brother/sister


    A grandparent  Abuelo/abuela
    a legal guardian or representative with proof of guardianship or attorney 

    Un tutor o representante legal con prueba de tutela o relación abogado-cliente


    After 75-years a birth certificate is public record and anyone can obtain a copy; they are still required to fill out the application and present identification. Loc. Gov't Code Sec. 191.004(c)

    Después de 75 años, el acta de nacimiento se convierte en registro público y cualquier persona puede obtener una copia; aún es necesario completar la solicitud y presentar una identificación. Loc. Gov't Code Sec. 191.004(c)


    Acceptable Identification for death and birth certificates (ID)

    Documentos de identificación aceptables para actas de nacimiento o defunción


    Acceptable Identification for Birth Certificates

    Documentos de identificación aceptables


    Who can obtain a death certificate? 

    ¿Quién puede obtener un acta de defunción?

    Funeral director 

    Director de una funeraria

    An adult child 

    Un hijo adulto

    A parent  Padre/madre 
    Spouse esposo/esposa 
    A brother/ sister Hermano/hermana 
    A grandparent  Abuelo/abuela 
    A legal guardian or representative with proof of guardianship or attorney-client relationship 

    Un tutor o representante legal con prueba de tutela o relación abogado-cliente

    The informant listed on the death certificate 

    El informante que esta en el acta de defunción


    After 25-years a death certificate is public record and anyone can obtain a copy; they are still required to fill out the application and present identification. Loc. Gov't Code Sec. 191.004(c)

    Después de 25 años, El acta de defunción se convierte en un registro público y cualquier persona puede obtener una copia; aún se requiere que complete la solicitud y presente una identificación. Loc. Gov't Code Sec. 191.004(c)


    Marriage License / Licencia de matrimonio

    The Hamilton County Clerk's office does not provide the service of marrying couples. We will provide the Marriage Certificate that needs to be filled out by the officiant performing the ceremony, and returned to our office.  Appointments not necessary to obtain license, but make sure you get to the office before 3:30 pm. 

    Your marriage license is only good for 90 days.   If not used within 90 days you will need to reapply for a new one.  This license is valid anywhere in the State of Texas. If you are getting married out of state or in another country check with the laws of that State or Country.  Once you are married you will to need to return your license to us within 10 days to be recorded. You will get your original marriage license back. 

    Obtaining a Marriage License

    Marriage License $71

    MARRIAGE LICENSE without Texas Premarital Education Certificate

    License Fee (ML/CC $30.00, ML/ST $20.00) (ML/FTF $10.00)

    Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(7)


    Records Management

    Local Government Code § 118.011(b)(2)


    Records Archive Fee

    Local Government Code § 118.011(f)


    Vital Statistics Preservation Fee

    HSC § 191.0045


    72 hour waiting period from date of application before the license can be used. TOTAL



    Twogether Completion Certificate Marriage license 

    Twogether completion certificate marriage license $11

    MARRIAGE LICENSE with Texas Premarital Education Certificate

    License Fee

    Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(7)

    $ waived

    Records Management

    Local Government Code § 118.011(b)(2)


    Records Archive Fee

    Local Government Code § 118.011(f)


    Vital Statistics Preservation Fee

    HSC § 191.0045






    Copies of Marriage License / Copias de acta de matrimonio 

    Certified Copy Request for Marriage License

    Copies of Marriage License (certified) $21

    CERTIFIED COPY of MARRIAGE LICENSE: Hamilton County Records Only

    Clerk’s Certification Fee

    Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(3)


    Page Fee

    Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(4)






    Informal Marriage License 


    License Fee (ML/CC $12.50, ML/ST $12.50)

    Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(8)


    Records Management

    Local Government Code § 118.011(b)(2)


    Records Archive Fee

    Local Government Code § 118.011(f)


    Vital Statistics Preservation Fee

    HSC § 191.0045










    Local Government Code §192.002(b)

    No Charge

    Certified Copy

    Texas Government Code § 603.003(a)

    No Charge


  • Hamilton County only accepts Original, wet signature documents. Please either mail in this application along with the appropriate fee or bring it into the Office.

    Septic Permit Applications are available in the County Clerks office or you can click one of the following links to download the application: Septic Application

    Affidavit to the public: Affidavit to the Public for Aerobic.

    Conventional $300

    Aerobic $300 plus Affidavit

    Affidavit Recording

    Recording Fee (first page)

    Local Government Code §118.011(a)(2)


    Records Management

    Local Government Code §118.011(b)(2)


    Records Archive

    Local Government Code §118.011(f)(1)





    Each additional page or part on which

    there are visible marks of any kind

    Local Government Code §118.011(a)(2)





    Copies for septic permit.

    If you need a copy of your septic permit or information, please email it to the following address. Please provide the owner's name and property address. Each copy is $1.00 per page. 

    Alejandra Moncada    ccdeputy2@hamiltoncountytx.org

    Kristen Reid                 ccdeputy3@hamiltoncountytx.org

    Copy Fees



    Non-certified Copy Fee -Printed on Paper (Per Page or

    Part of Page)


    Local Government Code §118.052(3)(C)(i)



    Non-certified Copy Fee - Paper Converted to Electronic

    format (Per Page or Part of Page)


    Local Government Code §118.052(3)(C)(ii)



  • If you need a 911 physical address, please call CTCOG - Central Texas Council of Governments at 254-770-2380. The office is located in Belton, Texas- Central Texas Council of Governments. The Central Texas Council of Governments is responsible for assigning numbers for the physical addresses in Hamilton County. Click HERE to go to the CTCOG Addressing Website.

    Si necesita una dirección física 911, llame al CTCOG (Consejo de Gobiernos del Centro de Texas)  al 254-770-2380. La oficina está ubicada en Belton, Texas (Consejo de Gobiernos del Centro de Texas). El Consejo de Gobiernos del Centro de Texas es responsable de asignar números para las direcciones físicas en el condado de Hamilton.

    Haga clic AQUÍ HERE para ir al sitio web de direcciones del CTCOG.


  • Applications 

    Applications for an Assumed Name, otherwise referred to as a DBA (Doing Business As) will need to be notarized prior to bringing or mailing the form to our office.  We have blank forms in the office if you need one or you can download the form by using the link below.  We do not have a notary in our office. There is a notary in the Justice of the Peace office and the Tax Assessor Office.  

    Hamilton County only records Original, wet signature documents. Please either mail in this application along with the appropriate fee or bring it into the Office for recording. 

    Assumed Name Certificated Unincorporated

    Assumed Name Certificated Incorporated

    Recording Fee (includes index of2 names) (indexing of Business & l Owner Name)

    TX Business & Commerce Code

    § 71.155(a)(1)(2)
    Record Management LGC § 118.0l l (b)(2) $10.00
    Record Archive LGC § 118.01 l(t) $10.00
    Total  $25.00


    Abandonment of Assumed Name Certificate

    Recording Fee (includes index of2 names) (indexing of Business l Owner Name)

    TX BusinesCommerce Code

    § 71.155(a)(1)(2)
    Record Management LGC § 118.0l (b)(2) $10.00
    Record Archive LGC § 118.01 l(t) $10.00
    Total  $25.00




  • Clerks cannot give advice or the rendering of any service requiring the use of legal skill or knowledge, such as preparing any instrument. (Unauthorized practice of law, Government Code, Section 81.101)

    Hamilton County only records Original, wet signature documents.


    Real Property Recording

    Recording Fee (first page)

    Local Government Code §118.011(a)(2)


    Records Management

    Local Government Code §118.011(b)(2)


    Records Archive

    Local Government Code §118.011(f)(1)





    Each additional page or part on which

    there are visible marks of any kind

    Local Government Code §118.011(a)(2)





    Federal Tax Lien/Release of Lien

    Recording Fee

    Property Code § 14.005


    Record Management

    Local Government Code § 118.011(b)(2)


    Record Archive

    Local Government Code § 118.011(f)(1)





    State Tax Lien/Release of Lien

    Recording Fee

    Local Government Code §118.011(a)(2)


    Records Management

    Local Government Code §118.011(b)(2)


    (Archive Fee cannot be charged to State)

    TOTAL (first page)







    Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §118.011(c)


    Record Management

    Local Government Code §118.011(b)(2)


    Record Archive

    Local Government Code §118.011(f)(1)








    Certified Copy Fees



    Copy Fee (Per Page or Part of Page)

    Local Government Code §118.052(3)(B)(ii)


    Certification Fee

    Local Government Code §118.052(3)(B)(i)





    Copy Fees



    Non-certified Copy Fee -Printed on Paper (Per Page or

    Part of Page)


    Local Government Code §118.052(3)(C)(i)



    Non-certified Copy Fee - Paper Converted to Electronic

    format (Per Page or Part of Page)


    Local Government Code §118.052(3)(C)(ii)





    Each document



    up to 10 pages in

    Non-certified Copy Fee - Electronic Copy of an

    Electronic Document

    Local Government Code §l 18.052(3)(C)(iii)(a&b)

    length is $1.00;

    Each page or part



    of a page over 10



    pages is $0.10



  • Application

    Hamilton County only records Original, wet signature documents. Please either mail in this application along with the appropriate fee or bring it into the Office for recording. 

    Mark and Brand Application

    Pay the recording fee of $15 per mark & brand.

    Marks & Brands Renewal Period

    Each person who owns livestock shall record that person’s marks & brands with the County Clerk of the County in which the animals are located. 

    The current marks & brands recording timeline was established in 1981. Every 10th year after 1981 each person who owns livestock (mentioned in Chapter 144 of the Texas Agricultural Code) shall have that person’s marks & brands recorded with the County Clerk.

    1. Why should I brand my livestock?

    Your brand is proof of ownership and identifies your livestock

    2. Does my recorded brand automatically renew?

    No. All marks & brands must be renewed regardless of the date it was previously recorded.

    Can I record more than one brand?

    Yes, each person or entity shall record in the County Clerk’s Office all marks and brands used to identify livestock. According to Chapter 144 of the Texas Agricultural Code

    4. Can more than one person or entity record the same brand?

    No, if no other person has recorded the mark or brand it may be recorded.

    Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (cattle brand)

  • The County Clerk's office does not handle property taxes. Please get in touch with the Appraisal District. 

    Address: 401 E Main St, Hamilton, TX 76531

    Phone: 254-386-8945

    Website: https://hamiltoncad.org/


    La oficina del County Clerk no se ocupa de los impuestos sobre la propiedad. Comuníquese con el Appraisal District.

    Dirección: 401 E Main St, Hamilton, TX 76531

    Teléfono: 254-386-8945

    Sitio web:  https://hamiltoncad.org/




    Local Consolidated Civil Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §135.l0l(a)(l)


    State Consolidated Civil Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §133.151(a)(l)


    Total Filing Fee Without Citation







    Issuance of each Citation

    Local Government Code §l 18.052(3)(A)


    Sheriffs Fee -- Service of Citation

    Local Government Code §118.131




    Certified Copy Fees



    Copy Fee (Per Page or Part of Page)

    Local Government Code §118.052(3)(B)(ii)


    Certification Fee

    Local Government Code §118.052(3)(B)(i)



    Search Fee



    Search Fee (when a cause number is not provided)

    Local Government Code §l 18.052(3)(G)



    Hamilton County is not a court at law; therefore, cases must be attorney-represented.

    Any paper work must be submitted via E-file. 


    Local Consolidated Probate/Guardianship Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §135.102(a)(l)


    State Consolidated Probate/Guardianship Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §133.15l(a)(l)


    Total Filing Fee with Posted Citation







    Issuance of each citation

    Local Government Code §l l 8.052(3)(A)


    Sheriffs Fee -- Each Posted Citation

    Local Government Code §118.131


    Sheriffs Fee -- Each Personal or Publication Service

    Local Government Code §118.131


    County Judge's Fee -- Any Order Signed

    Local Government Code §118.101






    Annual Reports  Fees 


    County Clerk Filing Fee

    Local Government Code§ l 18.052(2)(A)(iv)


    County Judge's Fee -- Order Signed

    Local Government Code §118.101







    County Clerk Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §l 18.052(2)(A)(vi)


    County Judge's Fee -- Order Signed

    Local Government Code §118.101






    Reports for Guardianship

    Annual Report One Guardian - Person $12.00

    Annual Accounting of Guardianship- Estate $27.00

    You can bring the reports to the office or mail them to the following address. Please send a check if you mail them. If you bring them to the office, you can pay with a credit card, cash, or check. 

    Physical and Mailing Address /DIRECCIÓN:

    102 N Rice Street

    Suite 107

    Hamilton, Texas 76531


    Guardianship Complaint Form (Will download as a Word Document)


    Hamilton County only records Original, wet signature documents.


    County Clerk Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §l 18.052(2)(A)(iv)


    County Clerk -- Issuance of Citation

    Local Government Code §l 18.052(3)(A)


    County Judge's Fee -- Order Signed

    Local Government Code §118.101


    Sheriff Fee -- Posting of Citation

    Local Government Code §118.131






    Hamilton County is not a court at law; therefore, cases must be attorney-represented.

    Any paper work must be submitted via E-file. 


  • Jury Duty Schedule 


    Please bring your jury summons card with you.

    Jury Duty Qualifications

    A person is qualified to serve as a juror if that person:

    • is at least 18 years of age;
    • be a citizen of the United States;
    • is a resident of Grimes County.
    • is qualified under the constitution and laws to vote in the county in which one is to serve as a juror. (you do not have to be a registered voter to serve)
    • is of sound mind and good moral character;
    • is able to read and write;
    • has not served as a petit juror for 6 days during the preceding 3 months in a county court or during the preceding 6 months in a district court.
    • has not been convicted of a misdemeanor theft or any felony; and
    • is not under indictment or other legal accusation for a theft or any felony.
    Jury Duty Exemptions
    A person called for jury service may be excused from jury duty in certain circumstances. These reasons for exemption do not disqualify you from serving; even though you may qualify for an exemption you do not have to claim the exemption, but certain circumstances can impose considerable hardship for some people. 
    If any of the exemptions apply, and you wish to claim the exemption, you must complete the form, check off the applicable exemption listed on the back of the summons and return the summons to the Hamilton County Clerk's Office.


    You may be exempted from jury service if:

    • you are over 75 years of age; (effective Sept. 1, 2023)
    • you have legal custody of of a child or children younger than twelve (12) years of age and service on the jury would require leaving the child or children without adequate supervision.
    • you are a student at a public or private high school;
    • you are enrolled and in actual attendance at an institution of higher education;
    • you are an officer or an employee of the senate, house of representatives, or any department, commission, board, office, or other agency in the legislative branch of state government.
    • you are the primary caretaker of a person who is unable to care for himself or herself.     (This  exemption does not apply to health care workers) 
    • you are a member of the United States military forces serving on active duty and deployed to a location away from your home station and out of your county of residence.


  • A protective order is a civil court order issued by a court to prevent continuing acts of family violence, dating violence, stalking or sexual assault. Generally, a protective order is valid for up to two (2) years and is enforceable by law enforcement. 

    A protective order can order the abuser to:

    • stay a specified distance, such as 200 yards or more, away from the addresses listed in the order, generally your home, school and work addresses;
    • not commit or threaten to commit violence against you or members of your family;
    • not threaten or harass you directly, or threaten or harass you through someone else;
    • not contact you or communicate with you at all;
    • not remove children from your care.


    To seek a protective order, either the applicant or the abuser must live in Hamilton County, or an incident of violence must have occurred in Hamilton County.  The applicant must provide a daytime address where the sheriff can serve the abuser with notice of the hearing date.

  • Plats Recording Requirements for Hamilton County Texas 


    • Plat is $50 per slide 
    • Field notes of the survey (with certification by a professional land surveyor) along with the tax certificate to be filed in the Real Property Records: $25 for the first page plus $4 per each additional page. 

    To file a plat in the Hamilton County Clerk's Office, the following items are required. 

    • The size of the original plat shall be no larger than 24" X 36"
    • The County Clerk's Office also requires one (1) 11" X 17" copy of the plat with original seals and signatures. 
    • Please provide a digital format.
    • Tax Certificate: any and all plats must have original tax certificates, issued within 90 days from filling, from all taxing units within jurisdiction of the real property indicating that no delinquent ad valorem taxes are owed and that taxes imposed for the current year have been paid. 
    • Submit the plat & tax certificate to be presented to the Commissioner's Court for acknowledgement.

    The plat must show the following: 

    • Certification and dedication by the owner (additional name in the dedication and the title section must be the same). 
    • Certification by a registered professional land surveyor.
    • Certification and approval by the County.
    • Complete legal description. All replats must reference the original plat information. 
    • Signatures must be original and names must be printed under each signature line. if the owner is a company, the company name must be above the signature line. 
    • signatures must be acknowledged by notary. Notary's name must be printed under each signature. the notary's seal must be affixed, must be legible and the notary's expiration date must be shown. 
    • Seals must be affixed by whomever approves the plat (county) as well as the surveyor and notary.
    • All signatures, printed names, stamps and seals must be legible. 
  • Hamilton County is not a court at law; therefore, cases must be attorney-represented.

    Any paper work must be submitted via E-file. 




    Local Consolidated Civil Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §135.l0l(a)(l)


    State Consolidated Civil Filing Fee

    Local Government Code §133.151(a)(l)


    Total Filing Fee Without Citation

